Hi. I'm Catherine.

I help people polish their writing through careful proofreading and copy editing.

My Mission
Words matter. They connect us to people and guide us toward new ideas. But words alone don’t form the full fabric of how we communicate. Punctuation, boldness, italics, alliteration, anaphora, and white space are only a few of the many devices used to create meaning among letters.
I love words, and I love the marks we use to modify them. I love the art of a page and a sentence’s rhythm. I love the challenge of upholding the right balance to serve audience, author, and publisher together.
As a copy editor, my purpose is never to overwrite the author’s voice or meaning. Your words matter. My mission is to ensure that your words are doing what you want them to. Whether it’s showing your company’s quality through web copy or immersing players in a story, conscientious editing matters.
My Background
Adaptability and professionalism are vital for any editor, and my time in the ever-changing landscape of entertainment and design has honed those skills. I find excitement in new projects and thrive working with a breadth of clients who each bring unique styles and needs to the table.
After ten years of designing scenery, I know how to collaborate with directors and producers to deliver their vision for artful storytelling. Much of my work has been on new plays where I’ve learned and relearned the process of editing words for clarity, meaning, and audience.
Meeting deadlines and communicating clearly and thoughtfully have been integral to my success, and I bring the same level of professionalism to every project, big or small.
Working in the arts also reinforces respect for the humanity of others. Writing—from novels to blogs to marketing—is an art form that individuals work hard to produce. In return, I work diligently to polish others’ writing so it can look its best for the wide world.
My Niche(s)
I’m a capable editor for a broad array of content but have particular expertise in design, home and garden, architecture, history, and creative writing (fiction and nonfiction).
For businesses, I take interest in editing web copy and blog articles. Realtors, contractors, design firms, and home-and-garden retailers are all within my areas of expertise.
For creative writing, I find particular joy editing creative nonfiction (such as memoir) and fiction in the realms of fantasy, sci-fi, and romance. Novels, short stories, and game content are all mediums that I work with.
. . .
If you are looking for an editor or proofreader who respects your creative process, I encourage you to reach out. Tell me about your project and needs, and let’s see if we are a good fit.
A calming landscape of a sunset drawn by Catherine
All art on this site created by Catherine Cornell
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